Monday, August 8, 2011

General Update

So things are slowly coming along.  We're getting settled and really starting to feel at home, especially since we just got a dog!  Her name is a Luna, and she's wonderful.  That brings our family count up to 4 – myself, Steve, Voldemort, and Luna – one big happy family!

Here are some pictures:

And, here are some of Voldemort!

I have some of the garden, too, but for whatever reason Blogger doesn't want me to upload them right now.  I'll add them later today, right now I have to take Luna to the vet for a checkup!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thrift Store Chair Redo

So we've had this chair for about two years now.  My roommate Georgia and I found it at a thrift store and thought it was great, so we bought it for something like $30 (I'm pretty sure we got an end table as well, so the chair itself was not actually $30, but probably more like $15).  It wasn't in awesome condition to begin with, but after 2 years of use (and abuse from my wonderful cat Voldemort), it needed some serious help.  This was first furniture re-do, and I'm pretty damned proud of the result.  Take a look:

Hooray!  I love it.  So here's the process:
First I pulled off the cording that lined the bottom of the seat, which revealed about a million staples underneath.  I pulled as many of them out as I possibly could while trying not to damage the wood too much.
Then I pulled off the fabric that covered the seat.  It was a very worn goldenrod velvet, which I though was both ugly and awesome.  The foam underneath was in great shape though, so I reused it when I reupholstered it.
Foam is gone and we're ready to prime!
After an entire can of spray primer (which got everything but the bottom of that one leg.  Not really worth going out for another can, but I'll know for next to always have extra.)
And the first coat of spray paint!  I used Krylon Indoor/Outdoor spray paint in Pebble with a satin finish.
Close up for the color
After the second coat.  We're done painting!
Tape is removed and ready for upholstery
I used the fabric that I pulled off the chair to trace a pattern onto the new fabric so I would make sure it lined up perfectly without being too big or too small.
Stapling very carefully around the edge and trying to get my corners perfect
And voila!  It's like a brand new chair!
I'm so so proud!  I think it looks awesome.  The rest of the living room furniture will follow a similar color scheme.  I was planning on doing the couch in a solid green but I'm sort of obsessed with this fabric, so we'll see.  Til next time!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Backyard In Progress

We've been working a little bit every day on the backyard, and it's coming along really well.  Here are some pictures:

If you remember, this is what it looked like before we did anything.

Another before picture

And the insanely over-grown vegetable garden.  Yes, believe it or not, there are vegetables are in there.

Removing rocks and bits of trash, raking through the dirt to try to loosen it up.
Sweeping near the door
Some nice fresh looking dirt was hiding under the rocks and garbage.
Before weeding...
After weeding!

Some cool chairs we found on the curb, just need a little paint job.  Plus some fresh oregano from our garden!

Starting to clear out the overgrown ivy and weeds along the fence and the yard area
We found this guy buried in the mass of vines at the back of the yard.
A candle holder that was buried in the garden, later we found the rest of the set.

What else did we find in the garden?  This eggplant!
And these tomatoes
There is also basil, celery, oregano, chives, and what I think are cucumbers.
The other half of the garden cleared out
Look how nice it looks!  We haven't even planted anything yet, just weeded.  I'm really impressed these plants were able to pull through with all the crap that was strangling them in there.
Today Steve ripped up the disgusting black plastic that was covering our half of the yard. Yay!
This is what it looked like until...
he pulled up all the crap, raked through the compacted soil, and voila!
Plus he added this little mini wall of rocks and a little stepping path to the tomato plants.
It looks like a totally different yard!

So that's it!  Well, for now.  We had a lot more work to do, but it's really coming along and I'm pretty proud of the progress we've made in only a few days.